An exercise in creative writing

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Customer Service

I have had my share of run-ins with customer service. some experiences were more pleasing than the others. Sometimes I have gritted my teeth after talking to a customer service person and other times I was a spectator in other people's run-ins and could understand why the customer service person eventually got mad and impatient.

Despite the many flaws one can find in a customer service, it is very comforting to know that you have a place to go to when you have problem. A place to approach and be attended to. A place to refer your needs and wants to.

Unfortunately, you do not have such a place for your day-to-day life. You cannot call customer service and complain about not losing weight or for losing yet another day to procrastination. You have no customer service to e-mail and request a manual for how to handle an annoying co-worker or how to take care of your relationships.

Or maybe you do have such an establishment in life. Your day-to-day customer service is actually a FRIEND.

--Time's up--

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